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RAM Tracking External API
RAM Tracking External API

Guide to getting started with the RAM Tracking API.

Updated over 7 months ago

RAM Tracking provides an API for customers to utilise their vehicle tracking data

External API Swagger Documentation:

How do I get a Client ID and Secret for the API?

Once you have logged into your RAM Tracking portal and clicked on the face icon in the top right of the screen, the drop down options include a get API key and here you will see a button marked get API key.

Using the External API

Authenticate to get a token

Pass your API User username and password, token and secret to

Using the token to make requests

You can then use this token to authenitcate requests to the API such as by including the token from step 1 as a Bearer Token

How is data synced between RAM Tracking and External API?

The data is available in real-time but requests are rate limited to 3 requests per minute for each individual endpoint.

What data is available via the External API.

Please consult the Swagger document for the latest guide as to the endpoints that are available

Have you considered using Webhooks?

We have a webhook integration what provides a feed of tracking data to an endpoint that you define which pushes data as the event occurs rather than having to poll for new data. You can find out more here:

Getting help with the API

Our support team are unable to provide development assistance with the external API but below is our test Postman collection to get you started. Simply copy the JSON below into a file and then import it into Postman and enter your credentials to connect to the External API

{	"info": {		"_postman_id": "a80d4065-e21a-41c1-8cba-d04727d1f569",		"name": "External API Customer Example",		"schema": "",		"_exporter_id": "21728610"	},	"item": [		{			"name": "Get Token",			"event": [				{					"listen": "test",					"script": {						"exec": [							"var jsonData = pm.response.json();",							"pm.environment.set(\"access_token\", jsonData.access_token);"						],						"type": "text/javascript"					}				}			],			"request": {				"auth": {					"type": "basic",					"basic": [						{							"key": "password",							"value": "{secret}",							"type": "string"						},						{							"key": "username",							"value": "{clientId}",							"type": "string"						}					]				},				"method": "POST",				"header": [],				"body": {					"mode": "formdata",					"formdata": [						{							"key": "grant_type",							"value": "password",							"type": "text"						},						{							"key": "username",							"value": "{username}",							"type": "text"						},						{							"key": "password",							"value": "{password}",							"type": "text"						}					]				},				"url": {					"raw": "",					"protocol": "https",					"host": [						"auth",						"qaifn",						"co",						"uk"					],					"path": [						"oauth",						"token"					]				}			},			"response": []		},		{			"name": "GET All Vehicles for Account Copy",			"request": {				"auth": {					"type": "bearer",					"bearer": [						{							"key": "token",							"value": "######{{access_token}}",							"type": "string"						}					]				},				"method": "GET",				"header": [],				"url": {					"raw": "",					"protocol": "https",					"host": [						"api",						"qaifn",						"co",						"uk"					],					"path": [						"api",						"v1",						"vehicle",						"for-account"					]				}			},			"response": []		}	]}

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